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Saturday 11 January 2014

Matthew 3:13-17 God is Proud of You

Good morning boys and girls!

Have you ever done anything so great or so nice that your parents said, “I’m proud of you?”

Parents are always proud of their children, and they show it by taking lots of pictures. They take pictures at school, at church, at Christmas time, at birthdays, at sporting events, at school competitions and so on. Our heavenly Father is also proud of us, just like he was proud of Jesus at his baptism. Matthew tells us all about it in the Gospel reading for today. Listen while I read it to you .

God was proud of Jesus because Jesus grew in maturity, became wiser and always did what his Father asked him to do. Of course, when you obey your parents, they’re really proud of you! When we trust Jesus as our Saviour, we become children of God, and when we obey God, he is very proud of us. Like a good parent, God helps us to do what he wants us to do. Can you tell me some things that God wants us to do. 

Would you like to be the type of child that makes God proud? Let’s pray for God’s help. Dear Father, thank you for being proud of us. We want to be the kind of children you want us to be. Help us each day to do the things that are pleasing to you. In Jesus’ name we pray. AMEN


      1.      “I’m Proud of You”. Retrieved from

2.      Larsen, Carolyn: The Standard Bible Storybook (Cincinnati, OH: Standard Publishing; 2009, p.249


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