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Thursday 2 March 2017

Genesis 2:15-17,3:1-7 Buyer’s Remorse

Have you ever experienced buyer’s remorse? Just before we buy something major like a car or a house we feel the surge of excitement that comes with getting something new. It’s the same feeling a child has when he or she gets a new toy for their birthday or for Christmas. After we buy the item, sometimes we are hit by a wave of remorse. We ask ourselves if we really needed the item or if we should have spent the money.

Buyer’s remorse is nothing new. In fact, the first instance of buyer’s remorse is in the reading we heard from Genesis earlier in today’s service. It began with the crafty serpent and his sales pitch. He was also the first example of a salesman who sold “snake oil.”

Sin is a mystery. It arises from within God’s “good” creation. The serpent is one of God’s creatures. Human suspicion about God’s motivations was embedded within human hearts from the beginning of time. It merely needed the serpent’s encouragement to bring it out and convert it into action.

Obedience is at the core of all that God wants for and from his children. In Eden, God didn’t ask Adam and Eve for love or faithfulness, only for obedience to one fundamental command: “If you want to walk with Me, do what I say.” God has set boundaries for us. They are like painted markings on a highway. Without those markings to give directions, there would be confusion and accidents. We are surrounded by a world where people live by their own moral codes and defy God’s boundaries. These people don’t have any peace or sense of security that moral guidelines provide.

The serpent tried to make God’s command not to eat the fruit of the tree of knowledge of good and evil sound more restrictive than it really was. The serpent tried to get Eve to question God’s character and motives for herself. In her reply, Eve twisted God’s prohibition. She left out the words “surely” and “every”- “surely,” because God said so, and “every,” because of God’s generosity. She also added to God’s prohibition, “Neither shall you touch it.” Where did that come from? Was it an exaggeration, or was it something she and/or Adam added to build an extra wall of protection between themselves and the tree? There is a danger in adding to or taking away anything from God’s Word. Any alteration changes the meaning. All we have to do is look at the Pharisees and their 613 rules to see what happens when God’s Word is changed by man.

Doubt led to disobedience, and the world has suffered the consequences ever since that fateful day. When we turn our back on God’s Word, we turn our backs on God’s world. Evil appealed to false pride, and this false pride replaced God with the self. The inflated sense of importance overshadowed God and others. It made man the centre of creation. Pride is at the root of many temptations. All of us suffer from temptation. We become victim to it, and therefore all of us sin.

There are two ways for us to gain experience. If we gain experience by obeying God, we will gain wisdom. If we gain experience by disobeying God, we will become slaves to sin. Adam and Eve gained experience by listening to the serpent instead of listening to God. Consequently, they became slaves to sin, and through them all of mankind became slaves to sin. The danger is that once we have sinned we are not equipped to deal with the consequences of our sin. We are not always equipped to deal with our new knowledge let alone being able to control the circumstances of our lives.

As a result of disobeying God, Adam and Eve found out about good and evil. Their sense of guilt made them afraid to meet God. They would go on to know and experience every kind of sin, suffering, pain and physical and spiritual death. When we make choices that are contrary to God’s Word, we experience the same things and the same fears. As we try to run away and hide from God, he kindly and graciously calls to us and seeks us out. God wants us to look for Him. He wants us to come to Him with a repentant heart and honest words.  

As soon as Adam and Eve sinned against God by eating of the tree, the process of death began. They became susceptible to the physical degeneration of disease and old age, and they faced a more serious form of death: spiritual death and eternal separation from God. When Adam and Eve disobeyed God, they were kicked out of the Garden of Eden. They became homeless nomads. We are also homeless nomads spiritually when we try to find our way back to God.

When we stand before God like Adam and Eve did, we will be asked to account for our actions on the basis of our human responsibility. It doesn’t matter what the reason for our disobedience will be. We won’t be able to blame someone else or something else like Adam and Eve did. There is no place for excuses in the Christian life.  
By manifesting himself in another form as a means to deceive someone into doubting and disobeying God, Satan established himself as a force to be reckoned with. In John 8:44, Jesus referred to Satan as a liar and a murderer from the beginning. He was referring to the events in this passage from Genesis. Satan’s lies promised great benefits, but Adam and Eve experienced the painful truth. They did know good and evil, but because they were corrupted by Satan they did not know as God knows in his personal holiness. We hurt ourselves when we believe that we will find greater blessing and happiness in doing our own thing instead of obeying God.

Listening to God is not a one-time event. We must always listen to His Word or we’ll begin to listen to the wrong voices. By listening to God, we will be prepared for the assaults that will come our way. We were created to serve God. 

There are many voices in our world that give us conflicting messages. We have the responsibility to know what God is telling us, to listen to Him and to act on those commands. We have to make God’s Word our guide and not deviate from it regardless of how appealing the world’s messages might sound.  

Eve did what so many people do even now: she revised and then rejected what God said. This sin always produces the same result-separation from God and, ultimately, death-unless sin is atoned for. Every false religion has an element of truth, and so do false teachers. This makes their teachings believable to those who don’t know and believe what God says in the Bible. Satan’s words contained a partial truth- “your eyes will be opened”-a common tactic of his when tempting humans. He appealed to Eve’s desires, just as he did with Christ in the wilderness, and as he does with all Christians. When Adam ate of the fruit, sin and death became earth’s realities.

Before Adam and Eve sinned, they enjoyed three very special privileges:

1.      They were in communion with God; they walked and talked with Him.

2.      They knew God as He is. Their minds were not clouded by falsehoods or half-truths.

3.      They had spiritual life. They were alive not just physically, but in every sense of the word their souls were alive.

When Adam and Eve disobeyed God’s command and rebelled against Him, they lost all three of their God-given privileges:

1.      Their intimate communion was broken. They hid from God.

2.      When they believed Satan’s lie, their knowledge was corrupted and their understanding of God damaged. What God had said became twisted in their minds.

3.      Perhaps most important, instead of knowing life as they had once known it with God, they began to know death.

The present condition of the world reflects what Adam and Eve knew after the Fall:

1.      People are alienated from God.

2.      People are ignorant of the truth of God.

3.      People are condemned to physical and spiritual death.

Everything Adam lost in the fall is exactly what people lack today without Jesus Christ. Thankfully, God provided a way for us to regain what Adam lost. God provided a way for us to be restored to Him. He became flesh, human and vulnerable. In Jesus we are reliving the broken relationship between us and God. Jesus is God’s way of returning us to the Garden of Eden and a right relationship with God. The way back is the way of confession and repentance.  

We can’t hide from God like Adam and Eve tried to hide. God knows exactly where we are. Instead of hiding in fear, we can say the same thing the tax collector said in Luke 18:13- “God, be merciful to me, a sinner.”

We are in the season of Lent. It is a season where we are invited to answer God’s call to come into the open, face the hard truths of how we have broken trust with God and with each other, remember how God has joined us in Christ and listen for the invitation to take and eat the bread of life, which we will do in a few minutes.


       1.                  Jeremiah, David: The Jeremiah Study Bible, New King James Version (Brentwood, TN: Worthy Publishing; 2013, pp. 8-9)

2.                  ESV Study Bible. Part of Wordsearch 11 Bible software package.

3.                  Briscoe, D.S. & Ogilvie, L.J.: The Preacher’s Commentary Series, Vol. 1: Genesis (Nashville, TN: Thomas Nelson Inc.; 1984; pp. 47/54)

4.                  MacArthur, J.F. Jr.: The MacArthur Study Bible, New American Standard Bible (Nashville, TN; Thomas Nelson Publishers; 2006)

5.                  Stanley, C.F.: The Charles F. Stanley Life Principles Bible, New King James Version (Nashville, TN: Nelson Bibles; 2005)

6.                  Lucado, M.: The Lucado Life Lessons Study Bible (Nashville, TN: Thomas Nelson; 2010)

7.                  Anne Graham Lotz, “God’s Boundaries.” Retrieved from

8.                  Dr. Charles Stanley, “Failing to Listen to God.” Retrieved from

9.                  “Shadow of a Doubt.” Retrieved from Biblegateway@e,

10.              Anne Graham Lotz, “God’s Boundaries.” Retrieved from

11.              Richard E. Nystrom, “Footsteps in the Garden: Truth and Grace.” Retrieved from

12.              Lawrence Darmani, “Where Are You?” Retrieved from

13.              Dr. Tony Evans, “A Kingdom Man Takes Responsibility.” Retrieved from
14.              Richard Innes, “Part Faith: The Most Destructive Lie.” Retrieved from

15.              “Whose Voice Are You Hearing?” Retrieved from

16.              Poh Fang Chia, “Buyer’s Remorse.” Retrieved from

17.              “The Right Desire.” Retrieved from

18.              Greg Hollifield, “Why Death?” Published in the Spring 2017 issue of Preaching Magazine (Nashville, TN: Salem Publishing; p. 56)

19.              “The Fall.” Retrieved from

20.              The Rev. Dr. Robert Ensign, “Eve’s Dream.” Retrieved from

21.              The Rev. Martin Copenhaver, “Excuses, Excuses, Excuses.” Retrieved from

22.              Dennis Olson, “Commentary on Genesis 2;15-17; 3:1-7.” Retrieved from

23.              The Rev. Sheila C. Gustafson, “Snake Bite.” Retrieved from




Romans 5:12-19 Hope for the Future

The reading from Romans 5:12-19 reinforces the idea that those who trust Christ have hope for the future. Let me explain.

Adam’s sin led to condemnation of the entire human race because his sinful nature was passed on to all of his descendants. Christ overcame that condemnation. As a result, everyone who believes in Christ has been saved and forgiven and can look forward to spending eternity with Him in heaven.

The doctrine of solidarity says that all humanity is under the leadership of two men: Adam and Christ. Connection with Adam leads to death. Satan was the original angel who violated the righteousness of God, but sin entered the world through Adam, and death entered the world through sin. Even though there was no law, death was universal because people were still sinful. They died because they inherited the nature of death from Adam, not because of their sinful acts.

Because of Adam’s sin, humanity was introduced to death-not physical death, because Adam lived for many years after that fateful day in the Garden of Eden. The type of death that was introduced was spiritual death, also known as separation from God.

Connection with Christ leads to life. Christ in His obedience corrected the wrong Adam did in his disobedience. He secured our eternal home and glory. He conquered the last enemy-death. That victory has given me strength in the days since my mother’s death.
Christ is not Adam’s successor but his Saviour. They are alike only in the sense that both had universal significance: Adam for death, Christ for life. The key is much more. Whatever humankind has inherited from Adam, they have much more in Christ.

Christ’s one act of salvation was far superior to Adam’s one act of rebellion. One commentator noted that “That one single misdeed should be answered by judgment, this is perfectly understandable: that the accumulated sins and guilt of all the ages should be answered by God’s free gift, this is the miracle of miracles.”

Christ’s obedience is greater than Adam’s disobedience. Adam was in an environment that was conducive to obedience (the Garden), but he disobeyed and brought death. Jesus was the second Adam. He was in an environment that hindered obedience (the fallen world), but He obeyed God and brought life.

We don’t deserve God’s grace. It is his undeserved favour for us. It is a gift that was paid for by Christ’s death and resurrection. Some people refuse to accept this gift because of pride. If they accept it, they realize their despair, and most people aren’t keen on doing that. Some people also think that they can earn this gift by their own efforts and deeds. We can’t earn our way to heaven, because as I mentioned a minute ago it is a free ticket that Christ paid for. 

So how did He pay for this gift? He did it through two types of obedience to God. First, he actively fulfilled all of the requirements of God’s Law. He never failed, and he kept and fulfilled all of the Law’s requirements perfectly at all times. He presented to God a full and complete righteousness that was without stain or fault, just like all of the animals that were used for Old Testament sacrifices were without stain or fault. His righteousness is the ground on which God is willing to accept us.

Second, He used passive obedience. He allowed Himself to be taken and crucified in order to suffer the punishment that a holy and just God requires. He became our substitute and took our sins upon Himself. He took our sins away so that we can believe in him and have no reason to fear God’s wrath. We can enjoy fellowship with God forever, and that is the greatest gift of all.


1.                  Jeremiah, David: The Jeremiah Study Bible, New King James Version (Brentwood, TN: Worthy Publishing; 2013, p.1550)

2.                  ESV Study Bible. Part of Wordsearch 11 Bible software package.

3.                  Dr. Neil Anderson, “The Effects of the Fall.” Retrieved from

4.                  Briscoe, D.S. & Ogilvie, L.J.: The Preacher’s Commentary Series, Vol. 29: Romans (Nashville, TN: Thomas Nelson Inc.; 1982, pp. 117-126)

5.                  MacArthur, J.F. Jr.: The MacArthur Study Bible, New American Standard Bible (Nashville, TN: Thomas Nelson Publishers; 2006)

6.                  T.M. Moore, “Obedience Restored.” Retrieved from

7.                  Selwyn Hughes, “Amazing.” Retrieved from

8.                  Max Lucado, “An Undeserved Gift.” Retrieved from

9.                  Michael Youssef, Ph.D., “The Sin Disorder.” Retrieved from